Ultra-high resistance checker
AE-1644E Ultra High resistance checker (Equipped trimming mode)
Perfect for equipping sorting machine of ultra-high resistance eg. 10kΩ ~ 1TΩ chip, MELF, and axial type and trimming machine of both laser and cutting type
- A high-speed integration system with little errors against a noise.
【Available to make the integral time setting for each range.】 - % measurement is possible by digital setting of the standard resistance value.
- Trimming mode is possible.
- Contact-check is equipped as standard function.
- Comparison result by built-in comparator is open-collector output and displayed as LO,GO,HI by LED and buzzer.
- RS-232C interface as standard.【Option: GP-IB/Centronics】
- Option: Shift output with built-in solenoid power source.【DC12V(2A)/24V(1A)/pulse mode(2A)】